Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Bible Articles, Studies and Real Media

Featured Authors:

Chuck Smith, Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa

Chuck Missler, Executive Director of Koinonia House Ministries

Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers

Lewis Sperry Chafer, the late founder of the Dallas Theological Seminary

Bible Studies:

About The Lord Our God

Bible Exposition

Bible Personalities


Historic Creeds

Christianity and U.S. History


Real Audio / Video:

(Special thanks to Blue Letter Bible for providing Real Media streaming).

The Passion Week, a video of the Empty Tomb, Golgotha, Gethsemane, the Upper Room and more. [28k] [56k] [Broadband]

Pastor Greg Laurie's (of the Harvest Crusades) video messages about:

The Unforgiveable Sin - Matthew 12   [28k]  [56k]

How To Go Fishing For Men - Matthew 4   [28k]  [56k]

Content provided by Harvest Christian Fellowship.

Pastor Chuck Smith's audio messages:

Prophecy Series (7-part) from 1991:

1. Understanding the Future [14k] [28k]

2. The Coming World Leader [14k] [28k]

3. Israel In Prophecy [14k] [28k]

4. Babylon: The Pieces Begin To Fit [14k] [28k]

5. The Rapture of the Church [14k] [28k]

6. The Great Tribulation [14k] [28k]

7. The Kingdom Age [14k] [28k]

The Unpardonable Sin (from Matthew 12:22-32) [28k]

The Messiah the Prince [14k] [28k]

The Living Hope [14k] [28k]

A Stone Over The Door [14k] [28k]

Content provided by The Word For Today.

Dr. Chuck Missler's commentary about prophecies of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ:

The Rapture - talks about the Lord's coming for His church.

The 69 Weeks of Daniel - is about one of the most amazing prophecies of the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The 70th Weeks of Daniel - speaks of the period just prior to and including the second coming of Jesus.

Content provided by Koinonia House.

Dr. David Hocking's messages from Proverbs about:

The Problem of Alcohol

The Problem of Anger

The Problem of Counsel

The Problem of Discipline

The Problem of Fear

The Problem of Fools

The Problem of Friends

The Problem of Gossip

The Problem of Laziness

The Problem of Leadership

The Problem of Lying

The Problem of Marriage

The Problem of Money

The Problem of Pride

The Problem of Temptation

The Problem of Wisdom

Content provided by The Hope For Today.

The late Dr. Walter Martin's message about:

Jesus Christ, Jehovah's Witnesses & the Holy Trinity [14k] [28k].
(Note the first minute of this message is very scratchy, but it clears up.) Content provided by Blue Letter Bible.